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Adobe Flash Games Adobe Flash Games
In this game you will eventually get the chance to spend vacation on Hawaii! And ofcourse according to the title of this game series you are going to meet hot looking lady right after your plane will land at the airport. But will you be able to fuck her? Play with the story and you will know for sure! All your attempts to have closer meeting together with your turned out to be co-traveler will be ruined by the fact that she already has a person who ha sto meet her. But don't worry - this person is not her beau or hubby or even over dad! This person is actually her sis which you might find even hotter than the woman you recently meet. So now it is up to you to develop this accidental meeting into one of the most memorable parst of your hawaiian vaction!




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HTML5 Browser Games HTML5 Browser Games
This game is made in a visual novel genre with some interactive elements along the way. The story it will tell you is going to be about such unusual thing as high scholl occult club which was formed by severeal members who are eager to find apporval for either existence or non existence of paranormal activites. In order to do that they are going to spend the night inside the building of long time abandoned old school which obviosuly has given birth to lots of local legends and creepy rumors. What will happen with them there? And more important how will you act in such situation? These will be the quetsions that you will be able to response only if you'll be brave and curious enough to complete the game by yourself! Also visit our website for more fun and alluring visual novels.




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HTML5 Browser Games

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